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Friday, December 30, 2011

Exam Mod: Last paper 07/01/2012

Paper last Computational Linguistic. Hopefully boleh jawab dengan jayanya. paper Quantitative plak kena buat assignment extra. Aiyo..yo..yo...

Btw, continue study dulu. Good luck untuk mereka yg duduk exam sama macam aku sekarang.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Selamat Tahun Baru Maal Hijrah 1 Muharam 1433

Selamat menyambut Awal Muharram. Semoga Tahun Baru ini makin meriah dengan amalan dan keberkatan. Amin.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Apple :anything thats rectangular and has button violates our patent!

A trade court in Dusseldorf, Germany has found Samsung Electronics Comp., Ltd.'s (SEO 005930) guilty of violating Apple, Inc.'s (AAPL) patented design, which is featured in the iPad.

But the German court's ruling appears to state that Apple owns sole rights to "minimalist" tablet designs. According to Apple's patent [Scribd], a "minimalist" design is any thin rectangular tablet, with few buttons on its face.

Ultimately, this ruling seems to indicate that Apple has sole rights to make ~10-inch tablets in Germany. While a competitor in theory could make a rival design, it would have to:

a) Have an abundance of physical buttons on the face

b) Be substantially thicker or heavier than the iPad

c) Not be a rectangle (e.g. a circular tablet)

Apple: Apa sahaja benda yg bersegiempat dan ada touch button melanggar hak patent saya!

Adoi! Sungguh aku tak paham. Takleh segiempat, kena buat Tablet PC Segitiga le nampaknya! Bentuk Bintang2 ke ape, macam kuih Raya.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri 2011M/1432H

Salam Aidilfitri kepada semua pengunjung dan Maaf Zahir Batin. Agak terlewat ucapan Raya aku ni, better late than never. :)

Lama tak update koleksi komik sekarang ni. Sekarang dah last semester. Sibuk sekarang dengan Projek Akhir. Btw, thanks kepada pengunjung setia. Free time ada le aku update komik lagi lain kali :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Streamyx slow 1 Ogos - 7 Ogos 2011

Bosannya surfing hari ni. Internet is freaking gila babeng punya slow. Cuba call (100) nak suruh TM reset, keluar plak message gangguan kelajuan 1 Ogos - 7 Ogos 2011. Cipan rebus sungguh. Rugi le bayar bulan macam ni. Apa pun, Selamat Mempuasakan Diri esok hari. Jangan lupa niat :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Doa Hari Lahir For Me and Wife

Segala pujian bagi Mu Ya Allah. Kebaikan itu untuk orang yang bertaqwa, tidak dimusuhi kecuali mereka yang menzalimi. Selawat dan salam untuk semulia-mulia utusan, dan pengakhiran segala Nabi dan kepada seluruh keluarga dan sahabat Baginda.

Sesungguhnya, menjelang tarikh kelahiran yang jatuhnya pada hari ini, bererti usia semakin meningkat.Jadikanlah kelanjutan usia ini satu rahmat kepadanya, untuk terus beribadah kepada-Mu, jauh sekali daripada menderhakai perintah-Mu.

Ya Allah, wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Mendengar, berkatilah sisa umur kami. Jadikan umur tersisa ini membawa kemaslahatan bagi orang tua kami, bagi keluarga kami, dan bagi sekalian umat Islam.

Ya Allah, ampunilah segala kelalaian kami. Ya Allah, jadikanlah hari ini menjadi hari keampunan bagi segala dosa kami.Hari yang Engkau gantikan segala kegelapan kepada nur cahaya di hati kami.

Ya Allah, tetapkanlah bagi kami kesabaran. Jangan biarkan amarah membuat kami terhina dalam kezaliman. Ya Allah, sediakanlah untuk kami sebahagian daripada rahmat-Mu yang luas.

Berikanlah kami petunjuk kepada ajaran-ajaran-Mu yang terang. Ya Allah, hiasilah diri kami dengan ilmu yang bermanfaat. Ilmu yang membawa kepada keluhuran akhlak kami.

Ya Allah, kurniakan kepada kami kebaikan hidup di dunia dan akhirat, dan selamatkan lah kami dari azab api neraka.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Doa Masuk Bulan Baru

Di dalam Musnad al-Darimi dan Sunan al-Tirmizi diriwayatkan, Nabi SAW apabila memasuki bulan baharu, termasuk bulan Ramadan, baginda akan membaca:
اللّهُمَّ أَهِلَّهُ عَلَيْنَا بِالْيُمْنِ وَالْإِيْمَانِ وَالسَّلَامَةِ وَالْإِسْلَامِ رَبِّي وَرَبُّكَ اللَّهُ
Mafhumnya: “Ya Allah terbitkanlah anak bulan yang baharu ini kepada kami dengan disertai keberkatan, tetap di dalam iman, selamat dari semua kemudharatan dan kejahatan dan tetap di dalam Islam, tuhanku dan tuhanmu (anak bulan) adalah Allah.” (Kata al-Tirmizi Hadis ini Hasan Gharib)

Di dalam Musnad al-Darimi diriwayatkan baginda juga membaca:
اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ اللَّهُمَّ أَهِلَّهُ عَلَيْنَا بِالْأَمْنِ وَالْإِيْمَانِ وَالسَّلَامَةِ وَالْإِسْلَامِ وَالتَّوْفِيقِ لِمَا تُحِبُّ وَتَرْضَى رَبُّنَا وَرَبُّكَ اللَّهُ
Mafhumnya: “Ya Allah yang Maha Besar, Ya Allah terbitkanlah anak bulan ini kepada kami dengan disertai keamanan, tetap di dalam iman, selamat dari semua kemudharatan dan kejahatan, tetap di dalam Islam dan mendapat taufiq berdasarkan apa yang Engkau kehendaki dan yang Engkau redhai. Tuhanku dan tuhanmu (anak bulan) adalah Allah.”(Riwayat Ibn Hibban di dalam Sahihnya dan juga dinilai Sahih Lighairih oleh al-Syeikh Syu'aib al-Arna’uth)


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Nasihat "Saya cuma mengikut arahan"

Nasihat tokoh Islam yang agung al-Imam Hasan al-Basri r.a. kepada Gabenor Iraq dan Khurasan iaitu 'Umar bin Hubairah. Ketika itu zaman pemerintahan Khalifah Yazid bin Abdul Malik.

Kata 'Umar bin Hubairah: “Sesungguhnya khalifah Yazid bin Abdul Malik kadang-kala menyuruhku melaksanakan perkara yang aku rasa tidak puas hati dari segi keadilan. Apakah jika aku melaksanakannya menjadi sutu kesalahan di sisi agama?

Kata Hasan al-Basri: “Wahai Umar bin Hubairah! Takutlah Allah mengenai Yazid, jangan engkau takutkan Yazid mengenai Allah. Ketahuilah sesungguhnya Allah azza wajalla dapat menghalang Yazid daripada bertindak ke atasmu, tetapi Yazid tidak dapat menghalang Allah daripada bertindak ke atasmu.

Wahai 'Umar bin Hubairah! Sesungguhnya akan turun kepadamu malaikat yang bengis dan keras, dia tidak akan menderhakai apa yang Allah perintahkannya. Dia akan mengambil engkau dari tempat dudukmu ini, dan memindahkan engkau dari istanamu yang luas, ke kubur yang sempit.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Luahan Hati Seorang Cina Bila Bersama Orang Pas

KISAH BENAR: Catatan Seorang Peserta Cina: “Saya Rasa Selamat Bersama Orang PAS”

Seorang pakcik yang berkopiah menuju ke arah saya, “Di manakah stadium?” Saya menuding jari ke depan. Lantas beliau berjalan ke arah sana, tanpa sebarang keraguan. Saya merasakan diri saya amat tidak berguna pada ketika itu.

Mengapa tidak saya bertindak sebagaimana pakcik itu? Berarak adalah hak kita. Mengapa pula saya takut? Saya tetap berdiri di situ, menyaksikan bagaimana orang tua itu dihalang polis, dan kemudian beliau terus berjalan ke depan.

Kemudian saya berjalan, dan terserempak dengan seorang polis muda. Beliau bertanya untuk apa saya berada di situ, saya sekadar jawab, tak ada, cuma jalan-jalan.

Beliau menunjuk ke arah Jalan Sultan, mengarahkan saya beredar dari situ, atau saya akan ditangkap. Saya tahu beliau cuba menakutkan saya. Masih awal lagi, saya tidak mahu timbul hal, maka saya pun beredar.

Saya nampak sekumpulan orang di kedai KL Commercial Book Co., semacam orang PAS, maka saya berjalan menuju ke arah mereka. Pada hakikatnya, saya amat yakin dengan mereka. Saya rasa diri saya berselindung di dalam kelompok mereka pada ketika itu. Ya, saya rasa sangat selamat.

Pada kira-kira jam 12.20 tengah hari, kelompok di sini hanya kira-kira 20 orang. Tiba-tiba kami dengar jeritan orang, dan kami bergegas ke situ dan mendapati kira-kira 2,000 orang. Mereka muncul entah dari mana, sungguh ajaib! Tapi kami masih menganggap bilangan ini terlalu sedikit!

Pada kira-kira jam 12.30 tengah hari, saya tak berapa ingat lagi. Kami nampak sekumpulan manusia menuju ke arah kami melalui Jalan Sultan, sambil melaungkan slogan. Bilangan mereka terlalu ramai berbanding kami. Ramai orang tua yang bertanya, PERKASA? Pemuda UMNO? Kami berdiri di situ dan memandang, gagal mendengar apakah yang dilaungkan.

Tiba-tiba, ada yang bertepuk tangan, berkata “Tengok, Cina ada, India ada, bukan PERKASA, bukan Pemuda UMNO, orang kita!” Kami bertepuk dengan gemuruh, berarak ke arah mereka untuk berkumpul bersama. Kami seolah-olah dapat membentuk pasukan kami, dan tidak lagi keseorangan atau kesepian.

“BERSIH! BERSIH! Hidup BERSIH!” Ribuan yang membanjiri Jalan Sultan. Orang berada di tengah dan di tepi jalan, warga tua dan warga muda. Maka kami terus berjalan, tidak memasuki jalan ke arah Stadium Merdeka. Saya sedar, bilangan kami masih tidak mencukupi. Kami menuju ke arah Pudu Raya, dan di situ telah dibanjiri lautan manusia yang lebih daripada 10 ribu.

Abang saya menghantar sms kepada saya, memberitahu bahawa pasukan di Hotel Hilton telah mula bertolak. Dengan serta-merta saya berkongsi maklumat ini dengan orang yang berada di sisi saya.

Kira-kira jam 1 tengah hari, kami nampak satu pasukan yang lebih besar, kemas sususannya berarak dari arah Hospital Tung Shin. Kemudian, muncul lagi satu pasukan dari Kota Raya. Tidak berhenti kami bertepuk tangan. Kami menjerit sepuas-puasnya. Saya nampak ramai yang menakung air di matanya. Saya amat terharu. Saya kini berada di tengah-tengah belasan, malah puluhan ribu orang. Saya tidak kesepian, kami tidak kesepian!

Terharu kerana dibantu orang yang saya tidak kenal langsung!

Kami berkumpul di depan Menara MayBank. Saya tak dengar apa yang diucap pemidato. Tapi saya hanya seorang penyokong. Saya hanya menyorak bersama kelompok manusia, bertepuk tangan apabila semua orang berbuat demikian.

Kemudian saya mendapati trak FRU. Seorang warga tua, mungkin dari PAS, memesan agar saya undur dahulu. Tidak lama kemudian, FRU melepaskan gas pemedih mata, dan meriam air kimia yang berwarna biru. Saya rasa macam tersengit. Baunya sangat tidak menyenangkan. Orang di sisi saya (sahabat dari kaum lain) menuangkan air ke atas kepala saya. Ada seorang yang menyapu minyak angin di bawah kelopak mata saya. Ada pula yang memberi garam kepada saya.

Saya teringat, air mata saya mengalir pada ketika itu bukan disebabkan gas pemedih mata, tetapi mengalir kerana terharu dengan bantuan yang dihulurkan oleh orang-orang yang saya tak kenal ini.

Pada ketika itu saya nampak polis, kononnya, menangkap orang ramai di depan Menara MayBank. Ramai yang memanjat ke atas di cerun pada mulanya, kemudian mereka melompat dari tembok yang tinggi. Saya sangat marah ketika itu, kerana saya nampak ramai wanita dan warga tua. Dan mereka yang kononnya polis itu dicemuh dalam hati saya, “Bukan manusia!”

Saya berehat seketika. Saya menjangkakan bahawa orang ramai akan menuju ke Jalan Sultan. Maka, saya berjalan dahulu ke arah sana. Apabila berdekatan dengan KFC, hujan mulan turun. Seorang peserta yang tua berkata kepada saya, “Komunis pun tak macam ini!” Saya tercengang seketika, gagal memberi apa-apa jawapan….

Matlamat sama..

Pada sebelah malam, saya dimaklumkan bahawa kawan dari kaum Melayu amat terharu dengan kehadiran kami. Mereka berkata, “Itu kebanggaan kami apabila kamu muncul bersama. Kamu duduk belakang sikit, biar kami yang hadapi peluru (gas pemedih mata) dan keganasan di depan!”

Nota: Akhirnya saya sedar, mengapa saya berselindung dalam kelompok orang PAS. Mereka membuktikan dengan tindakan mereka, itu yang membuatkan saya terharu dan berasa selamat. Lain kali, saya tetap akan bersama mereka, berada di garis depan, untuk menghadapi peluru (gas pemedih mata) dan keganasan.

Terima kasih, sahabat semua. Walaupun kita tidak berkenalan, tapi matlamat kita sama. Dan ini hanya boleh dirasai mereka yang hadir dalam perhimpunan.

Saya menyeru agar lebih ramai bangkit dari tidur, dan mereka yang sudah sedar, biarlah bertindak. -MerdekaReview

*Tulisan di atas disedut, disunting dan diterjemah daripada catatan seorang pembaca MerdekaReview, edisi bahasa Cina, yang menghadiri perhimpunan BERSIH 2.0 pada 9 Julai 2011.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Blog update-Search Box added

Bagi memudahkan pencarian, search box added di sebelah kanan atas blog. Link repair sedang dlm proses...tut...tut...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Anak Kecil Main Api (Nafas Baru)

Nice to think about...

Anak kecil tengok tv
seronok layan pornografi
air mani keluar
bercampur keringat
bumi dipijak milik kroni

Nenek moyang kaya raya
Tak reti cakap orang putih
Akibat tak faham bila tengok TV
Barisan Nasional menang lagi

Baiknya rakyat kita ini
kerajaan berkuasa lamanya
Hasil mengalir ke tangan kroni
Esok lusa dia undi lagi

Masa depan sungguh kelam
Macam itu satu kapal selam
Boleh saja timbul tak boleh menyelam
Berjuta duit dah kena baham

Kini kita cuma tinggal kuasa
Sebab duit sudah tak ada
Kita semua syok sendiri menara tertinggi
terpanjang, terbesar itu ini

Kita sudah tiada masa
Majulah macam Singapura
Pergilah ke sana carilah kerja
Nanti kau Kan jadi kaya raya

Macam rakan India dan Cina
Boleh beli macam-macam benda
1 dolar dua kali ganda
Tak perlu beli proton saga

Lirik/Irama/Suntingan/Nyanyian: Hanief

Sunday, June 26, 2011

HOT OFFER - Original Hotfile Premium RM20 Sahaja

Berminat nak beli akaun premium Hotfile?
Original akaun premium Hotfile, bukan akaun hack.

Offer price:

Item: Akaun Hotfile Premium
1 bulan = RM20 sahaja
Kalau berminat bagitau awal2.

Hubungi saya:

Terima kasih.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

GadgetDream - Amazing Hit Today

Wasai! been hit with amazing traffic today. almost 1000 visit today. Look...look...

Now let's see nuffnang statistic.

And then, this is google analytics report.

Kalau hari-hari macam ni kan best :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Juara Jalanan 2 ep.15

Next episode was out. Let's continue...

Download Now:

Juara Jalanan 2 ep.15

Dragon Ball Z: Bid For Power

Dragon Ball Z: Bid For Power
PC game | English | Genre: Action, Fighting | 636 MB

What is Bid For Power? Bid For Power is a total conversion for QuakeIII that plays nothing like the original game. Players take control of Ki-powered superheroes and battle it out in a mostly aerial fight. The game is highlighted by the work of a great art team and an original style, and the game play is extremely fast paced. It can be difficult to keep up with until you get the hang of it.

BFP started out as a Dragonball Z game, and neared completion as one. They ran into legal problems and had to repopulate the universe with original things. This delayed them quite a bit, but they ended up with a population of unique and cool characters to play.

If you are new to the game be prepared to have a difficult time finding a server. They had about 30 people playing at a time for about a year or two, but it has mostly died out. BFP has also been heavily modified by several different groups using the scripting system, so you may run into compatibility issues.


Download Now:

Teman Pendekar Helang Sakti 57

New episode released. Enjoy reading :)

Download Now:

Teman Pendekar Helang Sakti 57

Monday, May 23, 2011

Hot New 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon' Trailer

In this movie, the Autobots and Decepticons become involved in a perilous space race between the U.S. and Russia, and once again human Sam Witwicky must help his robot friends defeat enemies like Shockwave.

Transformers DOTM Trailer [3D Edit] from Michael Bay Dot Com on Vimeo.

Paramount is bringing Transformers 3 to theaters everywhere in 3D on June 29th.

Juara Jalanan 2 ep.13

Next episode was out. Let's continue...

Download Now:

Juara Jalanan 2 ep.13

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Friday, May 20, 2011

Tamagotchi - Old days game still fun to play

I believe everyone know what is Tamagotchi unless you are tarzan who grow up in the jungle. It's a fun game to play while at school. When there is no advance game such as farmville etc at that time they are so many creative game being make. Anyone who want to recall your fun memories again or never play it yet, enjoy this free game. The size is so small. Only 1.7MB.



Monday, May 9, 2011

Harga gula naik 20 sen - Kerajaan jimat katanya...Rakyat Sengsara

Harga gula akan naik 20 sen kepada RM2.30 sekilogram berkuatkuasa esok (10 Mei).

Penyelarasan subsidi itu akan membolehkan kerajaan berjimat sebanyak RM116.6juta.

Menurut Ketua Setiausaha Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna Mohd Zain Mohd Dom, kenaikan itu selaras dengan keputusan Mesyuarat Majlis Ekonomi pada hari ini.

"Langkah ini adalah selari dengan strategi jangka panjang kerajaan untuk merasionalisasikan subsidi secara berperingkat-peringkat," kata Mohd Zain.

Jelasnya, walaupun perubahan harga runcit dibuat, ia adalah lebih rendah berbanding negara serantau, termasuk Indonesia, Singapura, Thailand dan Filipina.

Beliau malah menyebut harga gula di negara-negara berkenaan sebagai perbandingan.

Kali terakhir harga gula naik pada 4 Disember lalu, sejajar dengan kenaikan Harga petrol RON95, diesel, Petroleum Gas Cecair (LPG).

Kenaikan yang dikenali sebagai "4-dalam-1" itu menimbulkan kemarahan banyak pihak, termasuk mewujudkan beberapa siri bantahan, terutamanya sekitar Kuala Lumpur.

Pada masa itu, harga gula turut meningkat 20sen, menjadikan harganya RM2.10 sekilogram.

Sebelum itu, berlaku juga kenaikan pada 15 Julai tahun lalu dalam kenaikan "5-dalam-1.

Selain gula, turut mengalami kenaikan dua gred petrol, diesel, gula dan gas pada masa itu.


Friday, May 6, 2011

I Am Number Four

The novel is the first of a proposed six-book series.

I am Number Four

In the beginning they were a group of nine. Nine aliens who left their home planet of Lorien when it fell under attack by the evil Mogadorian. Nine aliens who scattered on Earth. Nine aliens who look like ordinary teenagers living ordinary lives, but who have extraordinary, paranormal skills. Nine aliens who might be sitting next to you now.

The Nine had to separate and go into hiding. The Mogadorian caught Number One in Malaysia, Number Two in England, and Number Three in Kenya. All of them were killed. John Smith, of Paradise, Ohio, is Number Four. He knows that he is next.

I AM NUMBER FOUR is the thrilling launch of a series about an exceptional group of teens as they struggle to outrun their past, discover their future—and live a normal life on Earth.


Download Book 1: I Am Number Four

Sequel...The Power of Six

The story is set to be continued in The Power of Six, set to be released August 23, 2011 and focus on Number Seven. A preview is provided at the end of a special edition of I Am Number Four.

I can feel it in my bones that he is one of us and I know somehow, that I must find him. I've seen him on the news. Followed the stories about what happened in Ohio. John Smith, out there, on the run. To the world, he's a mystery. But to me . . . he's one of us.

Nine of us came here, but sometimes I wonder if time has changed us—if we all still believe in our mission. How can I know? There are six of us left. We're hiding, blending in, avoiding contact with one another . . . but our Legacies are developing, and soon we'll be equipped to fight. Is John Number Four, and is his appearance the sign I've been waiting for? And what about Number Five and Six? Could one of them be the raven-haired girl with the stormy eyes from my dreams? The girl with powers that are beyond anything I could ever imagine? The girl who may be strong enough to bring the six of us together?

They caught Number One in Malaysia. Number Two in England. And Number Three in Kenya. They tried to catch Number Four in Ohio—and failed.

I am Number Seven. One of six still alive.

And I'm ready to fight.

I Am Number Four (2011) DVDrip V2 – 450MB


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Steelers RB Rashard Mendenhall Hot Tweets of bin Laden dead

Rashard Jamal Mendenhall (born June 19, 1987) is an American football running back for the Pittsburgh Steelers of the National Football League. He was drafted by the Steelers 23rd overall in the 2008 NFL Draft. He played college football at Illinois.

PITTSBURGH, Pa. — Rashard Mendenhall has created a stir with comments made on his official Twitter page regarding Osama bin Laden's death.

The Pittsburgh Steelers running back on Monday tweeted: "What kind of person celebrates death? It's amazing how people can HATE a man they have never even heard speak. We've only heard one side..."

Mendenhall didn't hold back, even making a reference to the Sept. 11 attacks.

"We'll never know what really happened. I just have a hard time believing a plane could take a skyscraper down demolition style."

The Steelers felt compelled to act. On Tuesday, team president Art Rooney II released a statement.

"I have not spoken with Rashard, so it is hard to explain or even comprehend what he meant with his recent Twitter comments. The entire Steelers organization is very proud of the job our military personnel have done and we can only hope this leads to our troops coming home soon."

Mendenhall, who profiles himself as a "conversationalist and professional athlete" on his Twitter page, turned some heads in March, as well, when he supported a comment by Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson comparing the NFL to "modern-day slavery."

"Anyone with knowledge of the slave trade and the NFL could say that these two parallel eachother," Mendenhall posted at the time.

Mendenhall is coming off a tremendous season, as he led the AFC champions in carries (324), rushing yards (1,273) and rushing touchdowns (13). He has 2,439 yards in three seasons since being drafted in the 2008 first round out of Illinois.

Among his other bin Laden tweets:

"I believe in God. I believe we're ALL his children. And I believe HE is the ONE and ONLY judge."

"Those who judge others, will also be judged themselves."

"For those of you who said you want to see Bin Laden burn ... I ask how would God feel about your heart?"

"There is not an ignorant bone in my body. I just encourage you to think."


Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama Laden is dead - confirmed by AlJazeera

Officially announced by US President Barack Obama, the most wanted person of America is dead. Also confirmed by Al Jazeera. Osama was reported killed in the attack in Pakistan last SUnday Attack.

Might be a lie or might be a true...just wait and see.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon Official Trailer

In this movie, the Autobots and Decepticons become involved in a perilous space race between the U.S. and Russia, and once again human Sam Witwicky must help his robot friends defeat enemies like Shockwave. Paramount is bringing Transformers 3 to theaters everywhere in 3D starting July 1st. Bring on summer!

Fast And Furious 5

Fast and Furious 5 ready now. Enjoy the show. Really fast car :)


Download Now:





Monday, April 25, 2011

Teman Pendekar Helang Sakti 55

New episode released. Enjoy reading :)

Download Now:

Teman Pendekar Helang Sakti 55

Jdream 3: Translation attempt

My attempt to translating JDream 3. Just a trial.

With help of "ABBYY FineReader 10 Professional" to scan image into character, and translation by Google Translater.

Very hard, seriously. By the way, it's fun. :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fake Sarawak Report: Using Google adsense services!

Menyedari pengaruh besar yang dicetuskan oleh website di dalam membongkar salah laku serta penyelewengan yang dilakukan berpuluh tahun oleh Ketua Menteri Sarawak Taib mahmud, nampaknya gerombolan songkok tinggi cuba menipu di dunia internet pula dengan cara memesongkan pelayar-pelayar internet kepada sebuah website palsu yang sengaja dicipta menyerupai website Sarawak Report.

Website palsu tersebut menggunakan domain yang hampir serupa iaitu, hanya berbeza dengan tambahan huruf 's' di hujung ejaan report(s). Malah dengan kuasa wang gerombolan songkok tinggi, mereka juga sanggup mengeluarkan belanja menggunakan khidmat iklan google adsense.

Melalui perbelanjaan iklan di google adsense, setiap pencarian kata kunci (keyword) "Sarawak Report" di enjin pencarian terkenal google, akan membawa pelayar-pelayar internet kepada website palsu tersebut yang dipaparkan pada muka pertama (first page) carian google

Dengan kuasa duit gerombolan songkok tinggi menggunakan iklan google adsense, para pelayar internet yang memilih website Sarawak Report palsu akan dibawa ke sebuah halaman yang memuji-muji Ketua Menteri Sarawak, Taib Mahmud selain dipesongkan kepada fakta-fakta kononnya Sarawak semakin maju di bawah Barisan Nasional.

ReJaM© "Dalam dunia nyata menipu, dalam dunia maya pun nak menipu rakyat..."


Final Acting to get vote: Scuffle at Satok polling centre

Lakonan di saat terakhir untuk memancing undi. Why police not catch that 5 person to the jail? Because...imo, they are acting. Who will be stupid enough to say I'm SPR representative with a Pass without picture and no recognition letter? Hmm... fishy isn't it?

BN IC checking station inside zon larangan berkempen

Sarawak goes to the polls, higher turnout expected

After 10 days of gruelling campaigning, Sarawakians will hit the ballot boxes today in the 10th state legislative assembly elections. There are a total of 213 candidates vying for 71 seats.

Although numerous minor opposition parties and Independents are in the fray, the main combat is between the ruling BN and Pakatan Rakyat.

The campaign saw long-serving Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud, who has been in power for three decades, turning into Pakatan's main target while BN went for its tried-and-tested 'development' card.

Pazlanolitical observers are expecting, barring any widespread vote-rigging, Pakatan to make significant inroads this time round based on the anti-Taib factor alone.

The results of this elections would have far-reaching consequences - it will decide how long Taib will continue his rule, when the general elections will be held and whether Sarawak will see the beginning of a robust two-party system.

Taib Mahmud, who is battling for his seventh term, will lead the BN in the fight for all 71 seats.

Taib's PBB is contesting 35 seats, while BN component party SUPP is gunning 19 the other partners, PRS is going for 9 and SPDP 8.

Meanwhile, PKR is contesting in 49 seats, Snap (26), DAP (15), PCM (6), PAS (5). A total of 41 candidates are contesting as Independents.

There will be straight fights in 27 constituencies, three-cornered fights in 23 constituencies, 17 (four-cornered), two (five-cornered) while two constituencies will face six-cornered fights.

All eyes will be on 28 hot seats identified by Malaysiakini. Pakatan is set on denying BN its two-thirds majority by winning at least 24 seats.

The constituency with the largest number of voters is Pending (29,498 voters) while the least number of voters are in Ba'Kelalan (6,958).

Polling opens at 8am to close at 5.30pm. Unofficial results should begin trickling in at about 6pm. According to the Election Commission, the final results should be in by 8pm.

However, some polling stations in a number of rural constituencies will close as early as 11.30am because of the small number of voters. Unofficial results from these areas will be known much earlier. Helicopters are being for 15 voting centres.


8am: All polling stations open.

The voters will cast their ballots at 1,748 the polling centres throughout the state which is the size of Peninsular Malaysia and polling would be carried out in stages as there are voters living in the interior.

Schools, longhouses and community halls have been turned into polling centres.

The Election Commission (EC) is expecting a voter turnout of 75%.

8.01am: Betong/Sri Aman - The weather is good in both Betong and Sri Aman divisions, about 120km east of Kuching, where many of the rural Iban-majority are located. Voters begin trickling into polling stations as early as 7.45am, 15 minutes before the official polling starts.

Seats to watch in both areas are Saribas, Lingga and Beting Maro (Malay/Melanau-majority), Layar (Iban-majority held by deputy chief minister Alfred Jabu), Krian, Simanggang, Batang Ai, Engkilili and Balai Ringin (all Iban-majority).

8.08am: Beting Maro - The Saribas River is rather busy with voters arriving and leaving via boats from villages across the river. In Sekolah Kebangsaan Pusa, the PAS tent received a rousing reception when voters flocked to check their voting streams.

Pusa is the biggest town in Beting Maro. The state seat is the only one that PAS is said to have a chance of winning. Over 90 percent of the electorate in the area are from that ethnic group.

8.10am: Sibu - With seven seats up for grabs in the Chinese-majority town of Sibu, this election has seen fierce a battle between SUPP and DAP for supremacy in six of them.

While it is already a foregone conclusion that Nangka will remain under PBB control, PKR is expected to trim their majority there.

But in the other six, SUPP led by assistant minister and Bawang Assan incumbent Wong Soon Koh has to fight off a strong challenge in four seats - Bawang Assan, Dudong, Pelawan and Repok.

DAP appeared buoyed by exceedingly large turnouts in its ceramah in the last few days.

With Bukit Assek incumbent and Sarawak DAP chairperson Wong Ho Leng on the forefront of their campaign, the opposition party is hoping to emerge tonight with an overwhelming victory.

8.15am: Kuching - Drizzle and dark clouds are not keeping voters away with many mostly the elderly already streaming polling centres.

All eyes will be on Chinese-majority seats Pending and Padungan in the city centre, along with suburban seats of Batu Kawah, Batu Lintang and Kota Sentosa, where PKR and DAP candidates have put up a tough fight against SUPP.

In downtown Malay-majority Satok, PBB stalwart Abang Johari Abang Openg is defending his seat against PKR newbie Ahmad Nazib Johari, who is expected to reduce the strongman's winning majority.

8.20am: Saribas - Several PKR campaigners, including Ampang MP Zuraida Kamaruddin, are trying hard to urge voters to enter the polling station SK Datuk Bandar Gebak directly instead of first going to a BN operation center outside to check their voting details.

Some voters, however, insist on going to the BN operation center which provides free mineral water. PKR has not set up a 'pondok panas' at this polling station, which is banned by the Election Commission.

Unlike the carnival-like atmosphere in the peninsula, campaigners here are more subdued - there are no posters, banners or the shouting of slogans.

8.35am: Piasau (Miri) - The weather is good in Miri, the second largest city in Sarawak which is seeing SUPP defending three seats - Piasau, Pujut and Senadin - all located in the town centre.

Party boss Dr George Chan casts a vote for himself at SMK St Columba, one of the polling centres for his Piasau state seat.

"I will vote for Barisan Nasional," he quips before disappearing into the secondary school which is serving as a polling centre.

He also bumped into his opponent, Ling Sie Keong from DAP, who is visiting the polling centre. Ling, however, is not able to cast a vote for himself because he is a voter for Lambir, a state seat on the outskirt of Miri.

After casting his vote, Chan says he will put his trust on the people of Miri. "I has been with them for a long time. It is more important that we continue what we are doing and I am sure that they want us to continue."

Chan, who has held the seat since 1983, is fighting for his political survival in the wake of a strong 'anti-Taib' sentiment sweeping across most Sarawak cities.

Piasau is a Chinese-majority seat with a significant proportion of bumiputera voters (65% Chinese, 19% Malay/Melanau and 13% Iban).

8.45am: Bawang Assan (Sibu) - At the Bawang Assan polling station of SJK Chung Hua, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and Bukit Bendera MP Liew Chin Tong together with candidate Alice Lau greet the voters.

"We think can win at this polling station, but we hope that the majority will be high enough," Lim tells Malaysiakini.

However, shortly after that, a female voter in her 40s came out from the polling station, shook Lim and Lau's hands, and said: "Thank you very much, now leave us alone."

Bawang Assan is a Chinese-majority seat, with approximately 65% Chinese, 30% Iban and 5% Malay-Melanau.

8.52am: Satok (Kuching) - A voter shows a slip with her name and IC number printed alongside a BN logo to an Election Commission officer at the gate of SK Merpati Jepang in Satok.

The officer stuffs the slip back into her bag and says, "Don't show this. We only need to see your IC."

8.58am: Saribas (near Kuching) - It starts to drizzle when PKR candidate Abang Zulkifli Abang Engkeh arrives at the SK Datuk Bandar Debak polling station.

Wearing a blue jacket, the politician shakes hands with voters before proceeding to a classroom to cast his vote.

"I'm full of confidence today. If compared with previous elections, this is the most well-prepared campaign by PKR," he tells Malaysiakini after voting.

Abang Zulkifli (right) had contested twice - in the 2004 general election and 2006 state election.

Despite the slight rain, voters continue to stream into the polling station, forming long queues in front of the row of classrooms.

Saribas is a Malay-majority rural seat that was categorised as a'black' area by the BN. It is contested by novice Mohd Razi Sitam (BN-PBB) and Abang Zulkifli (PKR), who is making his second attempt to capture the seat.

Abang Zulkifli was defeated in last state polls by a wafer-thin majority of 94 votes.

9.02am: Satok (Kuching) - PBB vice-president Adenan Satem (left) votes in SK Merpati Jepang in Satok without much fanfare. Despite many PBB hotshots voting at this polling centre, the atmosphere is calm and quiet with no supporters cheering on either side.

Locals say that this is the usual for Satok and much of Sarawak.

PKR candidate Ahmad Nazib Johari is also voting here but at a neighbouring polling centre, but he dropped by for a visit. He is seen shaking hands with Adenan Satem.

9.10am: Pending (Kuching) - The gloomy skies has lifted in Kuching and voters are turning out in force, evident by the slowing down of traffic at every school used as polling centres.

Over at SK St Francis Primary School, BN candidate for Pending Dr Sim Kui Hian voted at 8.15am.

The Pending incumbent Violet Yong will be voting at the Kenyalang People's Centre soon.

Sim, a highly decorated cardiologist, is considered BN's best bet to wrest a seat from opposition-held territory.

He is also considered to have run the most sophisticated campaign among SUPP candidates.

Yong, who is defending her seat, appears upbeat.

“Thank God for the good weather. I've visited several PC (polling centres) and the turnout appears good. Looks like a good sign. I expect a major breakthrough tonight,” she says.

9.15am: Kota Sentosa (Kuching) - In one of the polling centre in Kota Sentosa, many voters are streaming in and checking their registration details with Election Commission officers.

Some of the voters are seen wearing in the '1Malaysia' T-shirts with a big 1Malaysia logo on the back.

The opposition has complained about this since the Galas by-election in Kelantan, arguing that voters are being paid to wear the T-shirt. However, the EC has waved off the protest.

Kota Sentosa is a DAP stronghold in Kuching. However, incumbent Chong Chieng Jen (right) has cried foul over the sudden increase of 1,000 postal votes in his seat. He is facing challenger Alfred Yap from SUPP.

9.25am: Saribas (near Kuching) - The drizzle has been replaced by the bright sun.

Failing to stop the voters from entering the BN operation centre opposite the polling station which provides free drinks, PKR campaigners decide to adopt the same tactic by giving out free drinks to voters.

PKR Ampang MP Zuraida Kamaruddin tells Malaysiakini that BN campaigners are misleading the voters by telling them that the BN operation centre is set up by government and voters should go there to check their voting details first before entering the polling station.

"This is not right. According to election rule, such a 'pondok panas' is prohibited. They (BN campaigners) are asking the voters to do double work."

She has complained to the head of polling centre and the latter said he will take necessary action. However, the BN operation centre is still open.

9.27 am: Bawang Assan (Sibu) - SUPP strongman Wong Soon Koh (centre in blue) arrives at the SJK Chung Hua polling centre with his wife, Pauline Leong, to cast their ballots.

Wong and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng meet and have a little chat near the school main entrance.

"If you come to Penang, I treat you fried kuey teow," says Lim. Wong smiles and shakes the Penang CM's hand.

9.31am: Satok (Kuching) - PKR Satok candidate Ahmad Nazib (right) seems a bit nervous but is all smiles when met by reporters.

"I can see there is a lot of joy on this polling day. Thirty years is enough of one man's rule," he said.

Another voter Muhammad, 35, said that CM Taib Mahmud was on his mind when he cast his vote.

"It's true that we want change," he said when approached.

9.39am: Beting Maro - PAS is confident of a victory in the seat, says Kelantan Agriculture exco Che Abdullah Mat Nawi.

"Now the voters in Beting Maro can no longer be bought," he tells Malaysiakini at a market next to SK Pusa.

Pusa is the second largest voting district with over 2,600 voters after Beladin.

His confidence seems bolstered by the lacklustre efforts of the PBB campaigners, none of whom are seen around the polling centre. PAS banners dominated the area, unlike elsewhere.

Meanwhile, the local PBB branch chief tells Malaysiakini that for the first time, BN may lose Beting Maro, giving PAS its maiden seat in Sarawak.

"I think that PAS will win big. Everyone wants a change. I can't do much (to reverse it), I have already promised to vote for BN," he says, adding that he is disappointed with choice of the BN candidate in the seat.

9.45am: Miri - BN has set up last-minute billboards all over the town late last night to urge voters to “Retain the Deputy Chief Minister in Miri".

They are referring to DCM Dr George Chan, who is defending his Piasau seat for the eight time.

9.50am: Bawang Assan (Sibu) - Bawang Assan incumbent Wong Soon Koh casts his ballot.

When asked by journalists about his chance, Wong says he is confident in beating his rival, Alice Lau.

The voter turnout rate for the polling centre is good, with the majority elderly people.

Tiong King Sing, 85, who can barely walk and partially blind, insists on casting his ballot.

"I'm fulfilling my duty as a responsible citizen," he says.

Due to his condition, EC officials allowed his nephew, who ferried Tiong to the polling station, to drive into the school compound.

9.54am: Pending (Kuching) - Dr Sim Kui Hian's campaign team appears to be looking for some last-minute sympathy, based on the sudden appearance of tiny posters urging voters to "Save Kui Hian" through out the constituency.

9.55am: Through its official Twitter, PKR urges all its polling agents to protest against voters with green colour identity card as they are permanent residents who don't enjoy voting rights.

10.01am: Satok (Kuching): A man bursts out in anger after he is told that he is at the wrong polling centre. Many have grumbled that they have endured long lines at different polling centres to be sent here, and the opposite is happening to this man.

Another man asks polling agents as he hands over his IC: "There's a chip in the card so why can't you just scan it instead of doing this all manually?"

10.05am: Sibu - As voting goes into full swing, many roads in the small town of Sibu are already choked with traffic on almost all major roads.

But while the polling centre in Bawang Assan is bustling with activity, the one for Dudong in SMK Chung Hua is relatively quiet with only DAP candidate Yap Hoi Liong canvassing votes.

Penang CM Lim Guan Eng soon arrives at the polling centre as well.

When asked of his chances, Yap says, "50-50". "It all depends on the turnout," he tells Malaysiakini.

Here, Yap faces SUPP heavyweight and brother of Rimbunan Hijau tycoon, Tiong Thai King, in a straight fight.

With a sizeable number of Iban voters here and BN's strategic house-to-house campaigning, it will remain to be an uphill battle for DAP for this state seat.

10.02am: Saribas (near Kuching) - A police officer and a EC officer who declined to be named explain that the BN operation centre opposite the polling station in SK Datuk Bandar Debak, which assist voters to check their voting details, is not an offence because it is outside of the 50m radius.

"It is also not a 'pondok panas' because they have their own premise," the Chinese police officer says.

The operation centre is a community hall. It also gives free drink to all voters who check their voting details there.

However, PKR campaigners argue that the operation centre issues paper slips with the BN logo to voters to bring into the polling centre, which they claim is prohibited.
